Content Warnings


Content Warnings
About Me



Hi there! Here's a (hopefully) comprehensive list of things to be aware of, if you're sensitive to such things:

1. This isn't really supposed to be child-safe. If you're under the age of 18, I highly suggest going to and looking around there instead. This is not going to be the focus, but nudity and other NSFW things will be on here. I don't condone children looking at this site for this reason.

2. I support LGBT+ rights, obviously, I'm a transgender lesbian. That said, I happily reclaim and use slurs, I speak very frankly and explicitly about my experiences and feelings, so if that bothers you, you might want to avoid this site.

3. I enjoy a lot of media that is violent, I enjoy guro and the like. There will be stuff on here with harsh themes, I will try and give a warning if it's something particularly heavy or violent, but ultimately you are responsible for curating your own experience. Most will be written, but there will probably end up being some pictures as well.

More as I think of it. If any of this is a dealbreaker for you and you don't want to risk looking at my site, then please don't feel bad for respecting your own boundaries. If there's specific things you want me to tag/gate off with warnings, feel free to drop me a line with the guestbook. I will do my best to accommodate requests, but understand that this is ultimately my site, and it will reflect me and my interests.

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This site was last updated 07/28/24